Portfolio > Man- Made Stones

Series started in the fall of 2008 based off of "Scholars' Rocks." "Scholars Rocks" are a Chinese tradition that involves finding rocks that meet specific aesthetic criteria, removing the rock, placing it on a man-made base, and treating it as an object of aesthetic contemplation.

"Scholars' Rock"
Stone and Spalted Maple
14H x 8W x 4D
Elongated Specimen
Iron and Padauk wood
10H x 15W x 6D
Mohu Stone II
Bronze and Padauk wood
21H x 10W x 8D
Mohu Stone
Iron and Walnut
21H x 10W x 8D
Stratified Stalagmite
Iron, Stained Wood, and Paint
52H x 10W x 10D
Empty Geode III
Bronze and Padauk Wood
14H x 11W x 8D
Empty Geode II
Bronze, Iron, and Wood
Variable, approx. 6H. x 14W. x 4D
Empty Geode
Bronze and Sassafras Wood
11H x 6W x 6D